Inputting time signatures with the panel

You can input time signatures, including time signatures with pick-up bars, using the Time Signatures (Meter) panel, both during step input and by adding them later to existing music. You can also input time signatures only on single staves.


If necessary, you have created the time signature you want in the Create Time Signature section of the Time Signatures (Meter) panel.


These steps describe inputting with the default mouse input preference of Create item at selection.


  1. In Write mode, do one of the following:
    • Start note input.

    • Select a barline where you want to input a new time signature.

    • Select a notehead or rest immediately to the right of where you want to input a new time signature.

    • Select an existing time signature that you want to change.

  2. Optional: For pick-up bars, activate Pickup bar of in the Create Time Signature section and select one of the following options:
    • 1/2 beat

    • 1 beat

    • 2 beats


      Not all pick-up bar lengths are possible using this method. For example, a single eighth note upbeat in 6/8 cannot be produced by any of these three options. In such cases, you must use the time signatures popover.

  3. Input the time signature you want in one of the following ways:
    • Click a time signature to input it for all staves.

    • Alt-click a time signature to input a it on a single staff.


During step input, time signatures are added at the caret position, even if this is in the middle of an existing bar.

When adding time signatures to existing music, they are added immediately to the right of a selected barline, a immediately to the left of a selected note, even if this is in the middle of an existing bar.

Holding down Alt inputs time signatures only on the selected staff.

All subsequent bars follow the input time signature, until the next existing time signature or the end of the flow, whichever comes first. Dorico automatically inputs and moves barlines as required so that subsequent music is barred correctly.