Finder Tab

Via this tab, you can search for algorithms that match two criteria: the number of carriers and the number of operators that are connected in a chain. This allows you to filter the list of algorithms according to the type of sound that you want to create.

The vertical buttons allow you to specify the minimum number of operators connected in a chain, and the horizontal row of buttons determines the number of carriers. For example, to create a sound that uses three components, an attack, a sustain, and a transient part, set the number of Carriers to 3, and select one of the suggested algorithms.

By default, the Finder lists all algorithms that use at least the specified number of operators/carriers. Algorithms with more operators/carriers are also shown.

  • To show only algorithms with the set number of operators in a chain, activate Exactly Match Number of Operators in Chain.

  • To show only algorithms with the set number of carriers, activate Exactly Match Number of Carriers.