Zone Info Bar

This bar shows information on the zone.

  • To show/hide the zone info bar, click Show/Hide Zone Info Bar on the toolbar.

Key Range

With the Low Key and High Key value fields, you can set the key range for the selected zone.

Velocity Range

With the Low Velocity and High Velocity value fields, you can set the velocity range for the selected zone.

Root Key

The root key determines the original pitch of a zone, that is, the key on which the zone is played without being transposed.

For grain and sample zones, the following additional options are available:


Sets the tune offset of the zone.

This value can be written into the sample file on export and is read on import.


Sets the gain offset of the zone.

This value can be written into the sample file on export and is read on import.


Allows you to specify a pan offset for the zone.