New features

New Features in Version 5.1.40

Contextual help
  • Dorico Pro now provides contextual help in the main project window and selected dialogs, which connects you directly to relevant documentation. See Contextual help overlay.

Blank staves after flows

New Features in Version 5.1.30

Status bar width
Systemic barlines
Coda gaps
  • You can now change the gap preceding individual coda sections. You can also set different default gaps for mid-system codas and codas at the start of systems independently. See Changing the gap before codas.

Staff labels on condensed staves

New Features in Version 5.1.20

Comments panel improvements
Mixer values
Bowing marks
  • You can now define playing techniques as bowing marks. This affects their position in the vertical stacking order. See Edit Playing Techniques dialog.

Staff label improvements
  • When hiding/showing staff labels, you can now apply your changes to the first flow only, or to all flows in the layout. See Hiding/Showing staff labels.

Aggregate time signatures
  • It is now possible to combine aggregate time signatures with the same denominator into a single time signature, while retaining dashed barlines for meter divisions. See Combining aggregate time signatures.

New Features in Version 5.1.10

Harp pedals editor
  • A new Harp Pedals section in the Playing Techniques panel allows you to create harp pedal diagrams using a visual editor. See Playing Techniques panel.

Custom page sizes
  • You can now edit the dimensions of page sizes and create custom page sizes. See Custom page sizes.

Colors for accidentals

New Features in Version 5.1.0


Iconica Sketch
  • Iconica Sketch sounds, and playback templates for using them, are now included with Dorico Pro. See Playback templates.

Text export
  • It is now possible to export all text in the project to a CSV file. See Exporting text.

Project statistics
  • Dorico Pro can now generate statistics for the whole project or only an individual flow. Being able to know how many bars there are in a piece of music, and to differentiate between filled and empty bars, can be necessary when calculating engraving fees. See Project Statistics dialog.

History dialog
  • You can now view your edits and selections in a dialog, and undo/redo all actions up to the selected one. See History dialog.

Custom instruments
Polyphonic voice balancing
Hold and pause playback

More New Features

Project Info dialog
  • You can now use italic, bold, and bold italic Markdown formatting for specific characters within fields in the Project Info dialog. See Project Info dialog.

Instrument change improvements
  • Dorico Pro now provides two paragraph styles for instrument change labels, allowing you to customize the appearance of instrument change warnings independently of the labels shown at new instruments’ entries. See Instrument change label paragraph styles.

Hidden notations
Mouse editing
Exporting flows
Lock Played Durations
  • This new function allows you to retain the played durations of notes, regardless of edits you make to their notated positions/durations in the piano roll editor. See Key Editor panel toolbar.

Used chord diagrams grids
Cue improvements
  • The default position of cue clef changes relative to barlines has been updated, and a new option allows you to change it. See Clef changes in cues.

Dynamics improvements
Cautionary key/time signatures
Glissando playback
Divisi improvements
  • Transitions between divisi and unison passages have been significantly improved, including the handling of slurs and time signatures. See Unison ranges.

  • You can now horizontally offset and erase the backgrounds of divisi change labels. See Divisi change labels.

New Features in Version 5.0.20

Mixer panel
  • Channel strips are now shown in the Mixer panel when it is sufficiently tall. See Mixer panel.

Tie chains
  • Edits to tie chains in Write mode, including changing the stem direction of notes, now affect all notes and ties in the chain.

New Features in Version 5.0.0


Groove Agent SE
  • If you have installed Groove Agent SE, you can use new playback templates to load Groove Agent SE automatically when you add drum sets. See Playback templates.

Mouse editing
Multiple item creation
  • You can now input notations onto multiple staves simultaneously outside of note input. By default, Dorico Pro inputs notations at the first note on each staff. See Changing the item input position setting.

  • It is now possible to use scrub playback in Dorico Pro. See Scrubbing.

MIDI trigger regions
  • This new feature allows you to play back notes without showing them in the music, such as when using patterns in Groove Agent for playback. See MIDI trigger regions.

Space and Stage templates
  • These new features work together to make it much easier to produce realistic playback performances of your music. Stage templates allow you to position instruments as if they were on a real stage. Space templates emulate different rooms and concert halls by applying panning and reverb settings to instruments’ stage positions. The end result is playback that uses the stereo field more realistically, with deeper and more natural reverberation. See Space templates and Stage templates.

Custom instruments
  • The new Edit Instruments dialog allows you to edit all existing instruments and create new ones. The default settings you can edit for each instrument include its transpositions, number of staves, names, and playable ranges. See Custom instruments.

Pitch contour emphasis

More New Features

User interface improvements
  • The status bar has been given additional options, allowing you to switch the current layout between concert/transposed pitch and galley/page view more easily. See Status bar.

Middle C numbering convention
Instrument numbering
  • It is now possible to renumber instruments so that their numbering matches their default player order. See Renumbering instruments.

Staff label improvements
  • In simple cases, horizontal alignment and leading set for individual instrument names is now used in staff labels, overriding the settings from the corresponding paragraph style. See Edit Instrument Names dialog.

Rhythm dots
Text improvements
Playback improvements
  • Notes and items can now be muted in specific playthroughs, allowing you to hear selected notes only the second time around, for example. See Muting notes/items individually.

Mixer improvements
Music fonts
  • A variety of new music font families are now available by default. See Music fonts.

Hiding items
  • You can now hide clefs in layouts of any transposition, independently of other layouts. See Hiding/Showing clefs.