Creating RSS Feeds

Podcasts are distributed via RSS (Rich Site Summary), a standard for distributing news and other information via the internet. In WaveLab Cast, an RSS Feed is a text file that contains information about podcast episodes, which you can enter via the RSS Feed Editor.


  1. To access the RSS Feed Editor, with the rendered audio file of your podcast open in the Audio Editor, do one of the following:
    • Select the Edit tab at the top of the Audio Editor, click Upload Episode on the Podcast panel, and select Create RSS Feed.

    • Select the File tab at the top of the Audio Editor, click Podcast on the left, then Create RSS Feed.

  2. In the Feed section, enter the official Title of your podcast to be published on the internet.
  3. Select the Main tab in the center of the window, and add a brief description of your podcast, approximately three to four sentences long, in the Description field.
  4. Optional: If there is a website referring to your podcast, enter the Internet Link (URL) at the top of the Main window.
    RSS Feed Editor