Allowing/Disallowing noteheads in opposing voices to overlap

You can allow/disallow the noteheads of unison notes in opposing voices to overlap in different contexts in each flow independently. For example, if you want to allow notes with and without rhythm dots to overlap but disallow half notes to overlap with shorter notes.


  1. Press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-N to open Notation Options.
  2. In the category list, click Voices.
  3. In the Ordering Multiple Voices section, choose one of the following options for Unison half notes (minims) and shorter notes in opposing voices:
    • Allow noteheads to overlap

    • Do not allow noteheads to overlap

  4. Choose one of the following options for Unison dotted and undotted notes in opposing voices:
    • Allow noteheads to overlap

    • Do not allow noteheads to overlap

  5. Click Apply, then Close.