Setting the Similarity

With the similarity gain slider (to the left of each track), you determine how important a particular track is for the mashing up of the master loop. By moving the slider, you specify that a track is more/less similar to the master track, thus overruling the result of the LoopMash analysis. As a result, more/less slices from this track are included in the current mash.


  1. Move the slider to the right to select more slices from the corresponding track for playback, and to the left to reduce the number of slices for playback.

    The vertical lines on the similarity gain slider correspond to the slices in this loop. The changing pattern of slices indicates similarity of each slice, on all tracks, to the current master track slice. The further to the right a line is, the greater the similarity of this slice to the master slice.

  2. Drag the similarity threshold control (the thin line with handles at the top and bottom intersecting all similarity gain sliders) to the left or right to determine a minimum similarity that slices must match to be considered for playback.

    Slices with a similarity below this threshold are not played.


    On the Slice Selection page at the bottom of the LoopMash panel, you can make further settings for influencing which slices are played.