Modulating the Pitch of Beat Agent Samples

The Pattern editor allows you to modulate the pitch of Beat Agent samples that are assigned to instrument pads.


You have added samples to your instrument pads and you have edited the samples to your liking.


  1. Open the Pitch tab for a pad and select a MIDI controller on the MIDI Controller pop-up menu.

    This makes the samples available for pitch modulation in the Pattern editor.

  2. In the Pattern editor, open the controller lane pop-up menu and select the MIDI controller that you selected for the pad.
  3. Draw in controller data to modulate the pitch of the samples.

    At a value of 65, the sample is played back without changes. Values above 65 increase the pitch, and values below 65 lower the pitch.


The pitch of the sample is no longer static but modulated by the controller lane.


You can assign several controllers to different samples/pads and control their pitches with multiple controller curves from within one pattern.