Searching for Chords (Logical Editor only)


A note belongs to a chord if at least 2 other notes play at the same time.

The Context Variable option on the Filter Target pop-up menu allows you to search for chords in a MIDI part or on the chord track.

When Context Variable is selected, the Condition column shows the following options: Equal, Unequal, Bigger, Bigger or Equal, Less, Less or Equal, Inside Range, Outside Range.

Parameter 1 allows you to specify which context variable is searched:

Parameter 1

Searches for…

Highest/Lowest/Average Pitch

…notes with the highest, lowest or average pitch in the selected MIDI part.

Highest/Lowest/Average Velocity

…notes with the highest, lowest or average velocity in the selected MIDI part.

Highest/Lowest/Average CC Value

…controllers with the highest, lowest or average value in the selected MIDI part.

For the following values of Parameter 1 you have to specify a Parameter 2:

Parameter 1

Parameter 2

Searches for…

No. of Notes in Chord (Part)

Enter a value for the number of notes in the chord.

…chords with the specified number of notes in the selected MIDI part.

No. of Voices (Part)

Enter a number for the number of voices of the chord.

…chords with the specified number of voices in the selected MIDI part.

Position in Chord (Part)

Select the position (interval) in the chord.

…the specified chord interval in the selected MIDI part.

Note Number in Chord (lowest = 0)

Enter a number for the voicing number of chord.

…the specified voicing number in the selected MIDI part.

Position in Chord (Chord track)

Select the position (interval) in the chord.

… the specified chord interval in the selected MIDI part. The Chord track is taken as reference.


Select a voice in the chord.

…the specified voice in the selected MIDI part.

The Musical Context presets give you an idea of the possibilities of this filter target.