Creating a Template Containing Several Adjacent Elements That Are Equally Distributed

You can create complex constructions, where several child objects are arranged horizontally side by side, and where all children are resized relatively to the template size. Let’s say you have four text fields in a row and want them to be resized with the same horizontal ratio when the template is resized in width.


  1. Attach the left edge of the first text field with a ratio of 0/1.
  2. Attach the right edge with a ratio of 1/4.
  3. Attach the left edge of the second text field with a ratio of 1/4.
  4. Attach the right edge with a ratio of 2/4.
  5. Attach the left edge of the third text field with a ratio of 2/4.
  6. Attach the right edge with a ratio of 3/4.
  7. Attach the left edge of the fourth text field with a ratio of 3/4.
  8. Attach the right edge with a ratio of 4/4.