Creating Templates

You can create a template from scratch by adding a new empty template to the Templates Tree and then assembling and configuring its elements. In addition, you must specify which control values you want to export to the template. Exported Properties values become template parameters and can then be connected to HALion engine parameters.


You have created or loaded a macro page in the Macro Page Designer.


  1. Right-click the Templates Tree and select Create > Template.

    This creates a new empty template.

  2. Enter a name for the template and click Edit Element on the toolbar.
  3. Specify the size for the template by dragging the borders of the rectangle on the canvas.
  4. Right-click the GUI Tree and select Create > Knob.
  5. In the Properties section for the knob element, assign a bitmap to it by dragging it from the Resource/Library Browser onto the Bitmap field.
  6. Right-click the GUI Tree and select Create > Text.
  7. Right-click the Resources Tree and select Create > Font.
  8. Set up the font in the Properties section.
  9. In the Properties section for the Text element, select the font that you have set up.
  10. Arrange the knob and the text controls on the canvas.
  11. Select the knob control and activate the Export Property button for the Value parameter.
  12. Do the same for the text control.
  13. In the Properties section for the template, enter the same name for the two created template parameters, for example Value. This way, they appear as a single template parameter when you use the template on the macro page.
  14. When you are done setting up your template, click Switch Back to Macro Page/Parent Template in the top right corner of the GUI Tree.


You can now use your template on the macro page.