Export Samples Dialog

In this dialog, you can make various settings for the exported samples. For example, you can specify the names and file paths for the samples, write specific information into the file header, and edit the samples by trimming them or by adding fades.

File Location

Sample Path

Allows you to use variables to define the path where the samples are saved.

  • $(SampleFolder) creates a folder that has the same name as the folder in which the original samples were saved.

  • $(LayerStructure) creates folders following the structure of the selected program or layer.

  • $(Layer) creates a folder with the name of the layer.

  • $(Program) creates a folder with the name of the program.

  • $(SampleRate) creates folders that are named according to the sample rate of the samples.

  • $(BitDepth) creates folders that are named according to the bit depth of the samples.

  • $(Date) creates a folder with the name of the current system date in the format yymmdd.

  • $(Time) creates a folder with the name of the current system time in the format hhmm.

Sample Name

Allows you to use variables to define how the exported samples are named.

  • $(Sample) uses the original file name of the sample.

  • $(SampleFolder) uses the name of the folder of the original samples.

  • $(Zone) uses the name of the zone.

  • $(Layer) uses the name of the layer.

  • $(Program) uses the name of the program.

  • $(KeyLow) uses the MIDI note number of the lower limit of the key range.

  • $(KeyHigh) uses the MIDI note number of the upper limit of the key range.

  • $(KeyLowText) uses the name of the note of the lower limit of the key range.

  • $(KeyHighText) uses the name of the note of the upper limit of the key range.

  • $(VelLow) uses the number of the lower limit of the velocity range.

  • $(VelHigh) uses the number of the upper limit of the velocity range.

  • $(RootKey) uses the MIDI note number of the root key.

  • $(RootKeyText) uses the name of the root key.

    For example, “$(Sample)_$(RootKeyText)” appends the name of the root key to each sample file name.

  • $(SampleRate) uses the sample rate of the samples.

  • $(BitDepth) uses the bit depth of the samples.

  • $(Date) uses the system date in the format yymmdd.

  • $(Time) uses the system time in the format hhmm.

Example name field

Shows the sample path and name resulting from your settings.

Status message field

The status message field informs you how many samples are saved and whether duplicate names are created.

For example, if two zones in the Program Tree have the same name, and you use the variable $(Zone), this results in duplicate file names. In this case, the duplicate file names are automatically numbered.

  • Samples loaded from HSB files or protected VST Sound files cannot be exported. The status message informs you if such protected files exist.

  • Files that are in use cannot be overwritten. In this case, you must select a different location for the samples.


Some systems have problems with file names longer than 32 characters. Therefore, it is best to use file names that do not exceed this number.

File Format


You can export the samples as Wave or AIFF files.

Sample Rate

Allows you to specify the sample rate of the samples.


Do not change the sample rate of looped samples, because this can cause audible artifacts.

Bit Depth

Allows you to specify the bit depth of the samples.


Allows you to specify the channels for the sample.

Header Options

You can include zone settings when saving the samples. When you import these samples back into HALion, they automatically get these settings.

  • Key Range saves the Key Low and Key High settings of each zone with the samples.

  • Vel Range saves the Velocity Low and Velocity High settings of each zone with the samples.

  • Root Key saves the Root Key setting of each zone with the samples.

  • Keep MB Tags saves the MediaBay tags with the samples.

  • Loop Settings saves the Loop settings of each zone with the samples.

  • Sample Tune saves the Tune setting of each zone with the samples.

  • Sample Gain saves the Gain setting of each zone with the samples.

Audio Options

Trim Samples

Trims the samples to their actual length, specified with the Sample Start and Sample End parameters of the zone.

Level Envelope

If this option is activated, the level envelope specified in the Sample Editor is applied to the samples during export.

Pitch Envelope

If this option is activated, the pitch envelope specified in the Sample Editor is applied to the samples during export.

Fade In/Out

If this option is activated, the fade curves specified in the Sample Editor are applied to the samples during export.

Loop Crossfade

If this option is activated, the loop crossfade is merged into the new sample. For the new sample, the crossfade time is reset to 0. This allows you to reduce the processing power that is needed for playback, because the crossfade does not need to be calculated in real time.

  • Merging the loop crossfade is best suited for Continuous and Alternate Loop mode, where the sample portion after the loop end is not played. Otherwise, the exported sample might not continue seamlessly after the merge.

    If you want to merge the loop crossfades for samples that have with Until Release or Alternate Until Release mode, you must use release markers and set them up so that the loop end is not crossed.

  • In Alternate Loop mode, the loop length in the exported sample is doubled, because it also contains the backward portion. Loop Mode is set to Continuous.

Merge Tune

Activate this option to merge the Tune value into the new sample. For the new sample, the Tune value is reset to 0.

Merge Gain

Activate the option to merge Gain value into the new sample. For the new sample, the Gain value is reset to 0.

Export Options

Use Exported Samples

Updates the sample references of the zones to use the exported samples.

Avoid Duplicate Audio

Prevents samples that are used by several zones from being exported as duplicate audio files.


If a sample has several zones and these zones have different loop settings, HALion creates duplicates of the file.

Keep Zone Names

If this option is deactivated, zone names are replaced by the sample names. This is useful if you rename the samples during export.

If this option is activated, the exported zones keep their names.