Color Scheme

The color of the icons for program, layers, and zones offer additional information.

  • Light gray – Light gray is the standard color for zones. For sample zones, this color means all samples were found and loaded without problems.

  • Red – If an icon is red, samples could not be found, for example, because a removable hard drive is not connected.

  • Yellow – If an element is incomplete, for example, if a sample zone is not linked to a sample, this is indicated by a yellow icon.

  • Light blue – To reduce hard-disk load, HALion can play back samples from RAM only. To indicate this, the icons of the corresponding sample zones turn light blue.

  • Magenta – To free memory on your computer, you can remove the samples completely from RAM. The samples are played back from the hard disk only. To indicate this, the icons of the corresponding sample zones turn magenta.