Moving and Copying Patterns and Styles

The Overview page offers several possibilities to move, copy, or exchange the patterns or styles between the cells.

  • To switch the content of two cells, drag a cell to another cell.

  • To copy a pattern or style of a cell to another cell, hold down Alt/Opt and drag the cell to another cell.

  • To move or copy patterns or styles to other groups, hold down Alt/Opt and drag the cell first over the corresponding group button.

    This switches the Overview page to display this group. Now, you can drop the content on the destination cell.

  • If you try to move or copy a style to a cell for an agent that does not support them, the styles are automatically converted to MIDI patterns.

  • If you load a pattern group that contains styles into a slot for an agent that does not support these styles, they are automatically converted to MIDI patterns.