Effect Morphing Dialog

In this dialog, you can gradually mix two audio ranges that have different effects or processing applied to them.

  • To open the Effect Morphing dialog, select the Process tab in the Audio Editor, and click Effect Morphing in the Other section.

The dialog consists of a waveform display that shows the current selection and an envelope curve (by default a straight line) in the middle. By adding points to the envelope, you can create a curve that is used for the morphing process.

The following options are available at the top of the dialog:

  • Undo/Redo the Last Operation

  • Deselect the Envelope Points

  • Delete the Selected Envelope Points

  • Reset the Selected Envelope Points

  • Reset the Whole Envelope

  • Flip the Envelope Around the Horizontal Axis

  • Reverse the Envelope Time Sequence

  • Toggle the Envelope Smoothing

The following options are available in the lower right corner of the dialog:

Mix Current Selection With

Unprocessed Selection mixes the audio selection with the unprocessed version of the same audio.

Clipboard mixes the audio selection with the audio in the clipboard.