Waveform Display

The waveform display provides an overview of the sample. It shows the play marker positions, the loop range, and the sample range that can be used to create grains.

  • To specify the sample range that is used to create grains, drag the handles above the sample waveform.

  • To move the entire sample range, click in the area between the handles above the waveform display, and drag.

  • If Loop is set to On or Alt, the waveform shows the loop range. To adjust the loop range, drag the loop handles.

  • To load a different sample, click Select Sample in the upper right of the waveform display and select a sample.

    Padshop comes with a large variety of samples that can be used as sources for the oscillator, but you can also use your own samples.

    To search for a specific sample, enter its name in the text field at the top of the sample browser.


Loading a new sample in the Oscillator section does not change any of the parameter settings for the plug-in.