Playback Settings

The playback settings below the waveform display allow you to set up the loop and specify playback speed and direction.

  • If Loop is set to On, the grains in the loop range are played back continuously. When the loop end is reached, the playback marker jumps back to the start of the loop.

  • If Loop is set to Alt, the grains in the loop are played back alternatingly forwards and backwards, that is, when the loop end/start is reached, the playback order is reversed.


    Only the playback order of the grains is reversed, the actual content of the grains stays the same.

  • If Loop is set to Off, playback stops at the end of the loop.

  • Note

    If a grain ends up behind the loop end, for example, due to the Random, Spread, or Offset settings, it is played back and playback continues to the end of the sample.


Determines the speed and direction with which the grain position progresses through the sample.

  • At 0 %, the grain position always stays the same.

  • At 100 %, the grain position progresses through the sample at the original speed and direction.

  • At 200 %, the grain position progresses through the sample at twice the original speed.

  • At -100 %, the grain position progresses through the sample at the original speed, but in reverse direction.

  • At -200 %, the grain position progresses through the sample at twice the original speed and in reverse direction.