Pitch Section

In the Pitch section, you can adjust the pitch. The available settings depend on the selected oscillator type. If you use the grain oscillator, you can specify the pitch of the grains. If you use the spectral oscillator, you specify the pitch of the waveforms and make formant settings.


Adjusts the pitch in octave steps.


Adjusts the pitch in semitone steps.


Allows you to fine-tune the pitch in cent steps.


This parameter is available for the grain oscillator.

  • When working with longer grain durations, activating Fixed sets a constant pitch for all keys.

  • When working with shorter durations, each key plays a different spectrum.

  • For the spectral oscillator, this allows you to shift the formants of the spectrum.

  • For the grain oscillator, this changes the pitch of the original sample. The following applies:

    For short grain durations, where the perceived pitch depends on the grain size, changing the pitch of the underlying sample creates an effect similar to formant shifting.

    For longer grain durations, where the perceived pitch is the pitch of the original sample, the effect changes to a pitch offset.

Formant Key Follow

This parameter is available for the spectral oscillator. It allows you to shift the formants with the played pitch.

With a value of 100 %, the formants follow the pitch. With a value of 0, the formants remain static. If you want to emulate the rather static formant characteristics of real instruments, start by setting this value to 0 and slowly raise it until you get the desired formants when playing notes in different key ranges.