Setup for the External Dolby Atmos Renderer

If you use an external Dolby Atmos Renderer, you must specify the audio streams to be sent to the renderer as objects.

Objects consist of an audio stream that is sent to the external renderer, plus a metadata stream transporting the panning information. Objects are always sent in real time, and they are monitored in the renderer.

The audio connection from Nuendo to the external renderer may be a MADI cable, a Dante patch, or, if used on the same computer, the Dolby Audio Bridge software. In any case, this connection is handled like a physical audio connection to the device ports of Nuendo.


We recommend that you customize the names of the device ports according to your system setup. You can do this on the ASIO driver setup page in the Studio Setup dialog.

Signals running through device ports that are connected to an external renderer are treated as objects during mixing. In the External Dolby Atmos Renderer Setup dialog, you can map the output device ports of Nuendo, as well as the input device ports of the external renderer. This mapping must match the input configuration of the renderer. The renderer input device port defines the ID of an object.

  • To open the setup for an external renderer, select the renderer from the Renderer pop-up menu in the ADM Authoring for Dolby Atmos window, and then click Renderer Setup. Alternatively, you can select the setup for external renderers from the Studio menu.

In the External Dolby Atmos Renderer Setup dialog, you can map objects to audio outputs either manually or automatically:

  • To automatically map objects to all available audio outputs, click Map All.

    • You can use up to 118 objects. However, in the External Dolby Atmos Renderer Setup dialog, the first 10 objects are reserved for the 7.1.2 Dolby Atmos bed and excluded from mapping. Therefore, for Dolby Atmos projects, we recommend that you configure the first 10 device ports of your audio interface for the bed bus.

    • You can define further device ports as bed channels by activating the corresponding checkbox in the Bed column.

    • Objects that are already mapped remain unchanged.

  • To manually map an object to an audio output, click the corresponding Renderer Input Device Port pop-up menu, and select an object ID.

    • In the External Dolby Atmos Renderer Setup dialog, manual mapping of objects is necessary if the bed bus does not use the first 10 output device ports of your audio interface.

    • Objects that are already mapped to an audio output are displayed as (in use) in the pop-up menu. If you select an object that is already in use, the previous mapping is lost.

  • To discard the mappings for all device ports and objects, click Unmap All.

You can save and reuse mapping configurations in the External Dolby Atmos Renderer Setup dialog as presets by using the Presets pop-up menu.