In-Place Editor Toolbar

The toolbar contains tools and settings for the In-Place Editor.

  • To open the toolbar, click on the triangle in the upper right corner of the track list for the edited track.

Acoustic Feedback

Acoustic Feedback

Automatically plays back events when you move or transpose them, or when you create them by drawing.

Multiple Part Controls

Part Editing Mode

Sets the editing mode for parts.

  • All Parts allows you to select and edit all events of all visible parts.

  • Active Part restricts selecting and editing to events of the active part.

Activate Part for Editing

Lists all parts that were selected when you opened the editor and allows you to activate a part.

Indicate Transpositions

Indicate Transpositions

Allows you to display the transposed pitches of MIDI notes.

Auto Select Controllers

Auto Select Controllers

Automatically selects controller data of the selected MIDI notes.

Insert Velocity

Note Insert Velocity

Allows you to specify a velocity value for new notes.

Length Quantize

Length Quantize

Allows you to set a value for quantizing event lengths.

Event Colors

Event Colors

Allows you to select event colors.

Transpose Palette

Move Up

Transposes the selected event up by a half note.

Move Down

Transposes the selected event down by a half note.

Move Up More

Transposes the selected event up by an octave.

Move Down More

Transposes the selected event down by an octave.