Expression Maps

Expression maps allow you to set up a map for all of your articulations. This allows you to audition a project including articulations.

You can select expression maps in the Inspector for MIDI or instrument tracks and specify the sound mapping and characteristics for all of your articulations.

If you select an expression map for a MIDI or instrument track, the articulations defined in the map are automatically applied during playback. Cubase recognizes the expressions scored for the MIDI part and searches the sound slots in the expression map for a sound that matches the defined criteria.

If a matching sound slot is found, the current note is either modified or the MIDI channel, program change, or key switch information is sent to the instrument selected on the Output Routing pop-up menu for the track, so that a different sound is played. If no sound slot that matches the articulations used in the part is found, the closest match is used.

When you enter articulations in a MIDI part, you must set up an expression map so that the right sounds in the connected VST or MIDI instrument are triggered.

Expression maps also allow you to link your articulations with remote keys on a MIDI input device and to map these to sounds that can be played by a MIDI device or a VST instrument. In this manner, you can enter notes and articulations via a remote MIDI device. Cubase automatically records them and plays them back correctly.

You can use expression maps for the following purposes:

  • To enter musical articulations in the Key Editor, the Drum Editor, the Score Editor, or the In-Place Editor, without having to record MIDI data first.

  • To play/record music in real time and to control articulation changes while playing.

  • To open and edit projects from other users. By using expression maps, you can map the articulation information to a different instrument set or content library quickly and easily.

Expression maps are available for MIDI and instrument tracks. You can create your own expression maps or download expression maps for orchestra libraries and virtual instruments from


You can also use the Note Expression functions to add musical articulations on your MIDI notes in the Key Editor.