Routing a Plug-in to a Clip

You can route a plug-in to an entire clip or only to parts of the clip.


  1. Select Tool Windows > Effects.
  2. In the Effects window, select the Clip section.
  3. Click Add Slot.
  4. In the Effect Name column, select the added slot.
  5. Select a plug-in.
  6. Click in the Routing column and select one of the following routing options:
    • Insert (Standard)

    • Blend Wet into Dry (Send)

    • Parallel Processing

  7. If you have selected Blend Wet into Dry (Send) or Parallel Processing, you can edit the effect envelope to route the plug-in only to parts of the clip. Click in the Routing column and select Edit Automation Envelope.

    The Envelope tab in the Audio Montage window opens and the plug-in is selected as envelope type.

  8. In the montage window, edit the envelope curve.