Setting the MIDI Channel and Output

The MIDI channel and the output settings determine where the recorded MIDI is routed during playback. They are also relevant for monitoring MIDI in Nuendo. You can select the channel and the output from the track list or in the Inspector.


  1. In the track list, select the track to which you want to assign a MIDI channel and an output.
  2. In the topmost Inspector section, open the Output Routing pop-up menu and select an output.

    The available outputs depend on the type of MIDI interface that you use. If you hold down Shift-Alt/Opt, the selected MIDI output is used for all selected MIDI tracks.

  3. Open the Channel pop-up menu, and select a MIDI channel.

    If you select Any as the MIDI channel, the MIDI material is routed to the channels that are used by your MIDI instrument.