Scope for Quick Control Assignments

If quick controls are assigned to a layer, all zones inside this layer respond to the quick controls as well. In the Quick Control Assignments editor, you can change the scope of each quick control, that is, you can specify which layers or modules it affects.

The pop-up menu in the middle of each assignment row displays which part of the program is affected by this quick control assignment. If the name of a zone or module is displayed here, only that zone or module is affected by the quick control assignment. If the name of the program or one of its layers is displayed, all zones inside the program or the layer are affected. You can choose the part of the program to be affected by selecting an option from the pop-up menu.

If a quick control is assigned to a parameter of the program or one of its layers, the scope of that assignment is that program or layer only. Any layers from deeper hierarchy levels are not affected by the quick control.