MIDI Controller Section

In the MIDI Controller section, you can set up how HALion handles MIDI controllers.

Controller Assignment

With the two buttons in this section, you can save your customized MIDI controller assignments as defaults or restore the factory MIDI controller assignments.


Save as Default does not include any of the MIDI controller assignments of the AUX FX.

The current MIDI controller mapping is also saved with each project. This way, you can transfer your settings to other systems. The project includes the MIDI controller assignments of the AUX FX as well.

  • If Receive MIDI Program Changes is activated, HALion responds to program change messages. These are used by General MIDI (GM) files, for example.

  • GM files can contain information about the pitchbend range, coarse tuning, and fine tuning. This information is transmitted as RPNs (Registered Parameter Numbers). If Receive RPNs 0/1/2 is activated, HALion responds to RNPs.

MIDI Controller Smoothing

MIDI controllers have a maximum resolution of 128 steps. As a result, if you use a MIDI controller as a modulation source in the modulation matrix or to remote-control a quick control, the parameter change may occur in audible steps, causing an effect often referred to as “zipper noise”. To avoid this, HALion provides MIDI controller smoothing, so that parameter changes occur more gradually.

  • If MIDI controller changes cause audible artifacts, turn the control further to the left. This way, MIDI controller changes do not occur immediately but are spaced over a period of time (in milliseconds).

  • If you want more immediate MIDI controller changes, turn the control further to the right. Note, however, that this may introduce audible artifacts.

Velocity Note-On to Note-Off

Some keyboards do not transmit note-off velocity messages. If this option is activated, the played note-on velocity value is also used as the note-off velocity for the notes.

FlexPhraser Hold Reset

Allows you to send a global hold reset message to all FlexPhraser modules or arpeggiators that are used.

FlexPhraser Reset Controller

Allows you to assign a MIDI controller to the FlexPhraser Hold Reset button for remote-controlling it.