Navigation during lyric input

You can move the lyrics popover to input new lyrics and edit existing lyrics without having to close and reopen the lyrics popover.

Popover navigation

Key command

Finish the current word and advance the popover to the next note or chord.


Finish the current syllable and advance the popover to the next note or chord.

- (hyphen)

Advance the popover to the next note without showing an extension line or hyphen.

Right Arrow

Move the cursor to the next/previous letter. If the next/previous letter is in another lyric, the popover advances to that lyric.

Right Arrow/Left Arrow

Move the popover forwards/backwards from syllable to syllable within lines of lyrics.

Alt/Opt-Right Arrow/Alt/Opt-Left Arrow

Add non-breaking spaces without advancing the popover.


Add a hyphen within a single word or syllable without advancing the popover.

Alt/Opt-- (hyphen)

Add an elision slur within a word or syllable.

_ (underscore)