Undoing/Redoing actions

You can undo/redo sequences of edits and selections in reverse order.


  1. Undo actions in any of the following ways:
    • Press Ctrl/Cmd-Z as many as times as required.

    • In the toolbar, click Undo .

    • Choose Edit > History to open the History dialog, select the action that you want to undo up to, then click OK.

  2. Redo actions in any of the following ways:
    • Press Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-Z or Ctrl/Cmd-Y as many as times as required.

    • In the toolbar, click Redo .

    • Choose Edit > History to open the History dialog, select the action that you want to redo up to, then click OK.


All edits and selections you made up to the selected action are undone/redone.