Correct positioning for caesura input

Caesuras are commonly placed at the end of a bar, before a barline. In Dorico for iPad, caesuras must be attached to the note immediately after the position where you want it to appear, as then Dorico for iPad can automatically position them correctly.

Figure 1. A correctly input caesura. The dotted attachment lines are attached to the notehead after the barline, meaning the caesura is correctly positioned before the barline.
Figure 2. An incorrectly input caesura. By clicking to the left of the barline, the caesura is attached to the last eighth note in the bar.

When input correctly, the dotted attachment lines link the caesura to the notehead immediately after the barline.

If your dotted attachment lines do not link the caesura to the notehead immediately after the barline, delete the caesura and re-input it. Caesuras can cause spacing issues when input incorrectly.