The “Use Selected ASIO Ports for Data only” setting

If you are sending huge amounts of MIDI data at once, there is a small possibility that you might run out of bandwidth on your VST System Link network. This will manifest itself by notes “choking” or timing becoming erratic.

If this happens, you can devote more bandwidth to MIDI by activating the “Use Selected ASIO Ports for Data only” option on the VST System Link page of the Device Setup dialog. When this is activated, the VST System Link information will be sent on the entire channel instead of just one bit, more than enough for all the MIDI you could ever hope to use. The downside is that you can no longer use this ASIO channel for audio transfer (do not connect it to a speaker!), thus leaving you with only 7 audio channels in our ADAT cable example. Depending on how you work, this might be a reasonable compromise.