Navigating in the Browser

You use the Project Browser much like you use the File Explorer/Mac OS Finder for browsing folders on your hard disk.

  • Click on an item in the Project Structure list to select it for viewing.

    The contents of the item are shown in the event display.

  • Items with hierarchical substructures can be folded out by clicking the “+” symbols or the “closed folder” symbols in the Project Structure list.

    When the substructure of an item is revealed, a “-” symbol or an “open folder” symbol is shown instead – click this to hide the substructure.

  • To reveal or hide all substructures in the Project Structure list, use the buttons “(+) All” and “(–) All” above the list.

  • The actual editing is done in the event display, using regular value editing techniques.

    There is one exception: You can rename items in the Project Structure list by clicking on a selected name and typing.