Logical Editor Filter Targets


Searches for elements by their position.

  • To search for events starting at a specific position, set up the position with Parameter 1.

  • To search for events inside or outside a specific range, select Inside Range or Outside Range in the Condition column, and set up the start and end positions of the range with Parameter 1 and Parameter 2.

  • To search for events starting inside or outside a bar range, in all bars within the current selection, select Inside Bar Range or Outside Bar Range in the Condition column. Click and drag in the graphic bar display in the Bar Range column to specify the range.


Searches for events by their length.

  • To search for note events of specific lengths, set up the length with Parameter 1. If you select Inside Range or Outside Range, use Parameter 1 and Parameter 2 to set the start and the end of the range.


    You must add another filter condition line and select Type as a Filter Target, Equal as a Condition, and Note as Parameter 1.


Searches for different meanings depending on the event type.

Main Value

Searches for different meanings depending on the event type.

  • To search for MIDI channels, set up the MIDI channel in the Parameter 1 column. If you select Inside Range or Outside Range, use Parameter 1 and Parameter 2 to set the start and the end of the range.


Searching for MIDI channels is useful if you have recorded MIDI from an instrument sending on several different channels or if you have imported a MIDI file of type 0 with a single track, containing MIDI events with different channel settings.


Searches for events by their type.

  • To search for event types, set up the event type in the Parameter 1 column.


Searches for Cubase-specific properties.

Secondary Value

Searches for note-off velocities of note events.

Last Event

Searches for events that have already passed the Input Transformer or the Logical Editor. The condition must be combined with Parameter 1 and Parameter 2.

Context Variable

Searches for chord properties and parameters. This allows you to search for the lowest/highest note in a MIDI part or in a selection of notes, the average pitch, or the average velocity.