Loading Samples

You can load your samples into Backbone.


  • Drag a sample from the Browser tab of the Load panel onto a layer slot.

    If a layer is already loaded, this layer is replaced. Any layer settings are reset.

  • Drag a sample from the Browser tab of the Load panel onto the edit section.

    This replaces the sample in the corresponding slot. Any layer settings you made are kept.

  • Double-click a sample in the results list of the Browser tab of the Load panel.

    Whether this replaces the sample or the layer depends on the Replace Mode setting in the prelisten and file info section of the Browser tab.

  • Drag a sample from the File Explorer/macOS Finder or from the MediaBay of your Steinberg DAW onto a layer slot to replace the layer or onto the edit section to replace only the sample.


Loading samples converts them into Backbone layers.