Command Bar

The command bar at the top of the editor windows allows you to create, open, and save files, and to undo/redo changes.

Open Startup Assistant

Opens the Startup Assistant window, which is also opened on starting the application.

Project Functions

Opens a menu that allows you to choose from various options related to creating and managing projects.


Allows you to create an audio file, audio montage, batch processor, or script file. You can create new files or use a template.


Allows you to open an audio file, audio montage, batch processor, project, or script file.


Saves the active file.

Save As

Allows you to save the active file. You can specify the name, file format, and location. You can also save a copy of the active file.

Trigger Cubase/Nuendo Update

Updates the Cubase/Nuendo project if the active file was opened via the Edit in WaveLab option.


Allows you to undo changes.


Allows you to redo changes that were undone.

Navigate Backwards/Navigate Forwards

In the Audio Editor and in the Audio Montage window, this allows you to navigate to the previous/next cursor position, zoom factor, or selection range without undoing/redoing the edit operation.

File Search and Keywords

The text field allows you to search for open files and apply keywords.

Keywords are custom words that are assigned to a function in the Customize Commands dialog or to a preset in the Shortcut Definitions dialog.

Customize Command Bar

Allows you to select the buttons to be displayed on the command bar.

Maximize Window

Maximizes the window. To restore the window size, click the button again.

Layout Options

Allow you to determine the position of the command bar, the transport bar, and the file group tabs.