
Markers allow you to save and name specific positions in a file. Markers are useful for editing and playback.

For example, markers can be used for the following:

  • Indicate cue points or absolute time locations.

  • Highlight problem sections.

  • Visually separate tracks.

  • Set the wave cursor to a specific position.

  • Select all audio between two positions.

  • Define titles of an album.

  • Loop sections in an audio file.

There is no limit to the amount of markers that you can have in a file.

The following marker types come in pairs: title, loop, mute, region, error and correction. When you delete a marker of a marker pair, the other marker is also deleted.

Because you cannot have a title that starts but never ends, a loop end point without a start, etc., special rules exist for creating, deleting, and moving these types of markers. Title markers must always be balanced. For example, if you delete a title start, the corresponding end marker is also deleted.

Loop, mute, correction, error, title and region markers only have a functionality when balanced.


The functions in the Markers window are the same for audio files and audio montages. However, the Markers window for audio montages offers additional options regarding clips.