Editing Steps

You can adjust the steps separately, but you can also use modifier keys to enter or edit multiple steps simultaneously.

  • To set the level of a step, click at the corresponding position in the graphical editor.

  • To change the value of a step, drag the step up or down, or enter a new value in the Level value field.

  • To reset the level of a step to 0%, -click the step.

  • To reset all steps, hold -, and click in the graphical editor.

  • To adjust all steps at the same time, -click, and drag a step.

  • To draw a ramp with steps, hold down , and draw a line.

  • To draw symmetric ramps at the beginning and the end of the sequence, hold down -, and draw a line.

  • To gradually raise or lower the value of the selected step, use the and keys.

    By default, the value changes in increments of 1%. Hold to use increments of 0.1% instead.

  • If the graphical editor has the keyboard focus, you can use the left and right arrow keys to select the previous or the next step.