Setting up users and permissions manually

Instead of creating a permission preset in the User Manager dialog, you can use the “Project Sharing and Permissions” dialog to manually set up which users should be allowed to share a project, and what read and write permissions they should have.

About This Task

It is not possible to add users who have not yet been established in the network. If this is what you want, use the “User Manager” dialog.


  1. Open the “Project Sharing and Permissions” dialog from the Network menu.
  2. In the “All Users” column to the right, select the users you want to share the project with.

    All users in the network that have entered user names and are established in the network are listed, along with the default “Guest” user. To select several users, hold down Shift or Ctrl/Cmd and click on the user names.

  3. Click the Add User to Permission List button above the column (the left button).

    The selected users are added to the “User Name” column above the “All Users” column.

    To remove a user, select the user name in the “User Name” column and click the Delete User button below the column (the right button).

    The user is removed from the “User Name” column. You can remove several users at once. You should remove the “Guest” user if you do not want everyone in the network to have full access to the project.

  4. In the “Project & Tracks” column, make sure the top item (the project name) is selected.

    This way, the settings you make affect the entire project, rather than separate tracks.

  5. Define the project read and write permissions for the added users, by checking and unchecking the Read and Write permission columns (“r”, “w”) as desired.

    Note that having write permission automatically means also having read permission.

    These settings are valid for the entire project. If you want to specify read and write permissions separately for each track.