Automating Destination Switches

Especially in larger postproduction scenarios you often need to switch the output destinations for audio-related tracks. Automating these switches is especially useful for FX channel tracks that carry insert effects such as reverb that you want to apply to different stems. You can also automate switches if a certain type of sound is sometimes part of the ambience stem and at other times needs to be fed to the SFX stem.


  1. Play back your project and take note of the positions where routing changes are necessary.
  2. Write-enable the corresponding track.
  3. At the right moment, click on the routing destination to which you want to switch.

    The new destination is now active, and the switch has been recorded as automation data.

  4. Continue to record destination changes for your project.

    To switch destinations for multiple channels simultaneously, select these channels and keep Shift-Alt/Opt pressed when activating a different destination.