UI Variable Types

Which of the available variable types to use depends on the parameter that you want to connect. For example, the Index parameter of a node in an envelope requires an Integer variable, and the Level parameter of the node requires a Float variable.

You can find out the type of a parameter in the Type column in the Parameter List.


If the Type column is not shown, right click a column header and activate Type.


Uses numbers with a decimal point. The properties are Name, Value, Minimum, Maximum, and Precision. Precision defines the number of digits after the decimal point.


Uses positive and negative natural numbers. The properties are Name, Value, Minimum, Maximum.

Popup List

Uses a list of template name strings. You can open a template that is referenced in the list, that is, show it on top of the other elements in the macro page, by setting the variable to the value that corresponds to the index of the template in the list. The properties are Name and the list entries. You can enter the names of the templates that you want to use in the text fields.


Uses a fraction. The nominator and denominator can be set individually. The properties are Name and Value. An example of this variable is the Time Beat text control template within the Envelope template that comes with the “Basic Controls” library.

String List

Uses a list of strings. These strings are used to fill a menu control. This can be used for Sync Note function in the envelope, for example. The properties are Name and the list entries. You can enter the string that you want to add in the text field.


Uses text. The properties are Name and Value.