Edit Scope

The edit scope allows you to specify for a group or template on the macro page which module, effect, layer, etc., will be affected by it.

The scope is defined with the path to this object.

You can either enter the path to the object manually in the Scope value field in the Properties section, or you can drag one of the parameters of the object from the Parameter List onto the Scope value field.


Dragging a parameter onto the Scope value field is a quick and easy way of setting the scope for an element on your macro page. However, note that when you drag a parameter onto the Scope value field, the entire path is inserted, including the parameter ID. Be sure to delete this part from the value field. Otherwise, only this parameter will get the scope, not the entire object.

Path Syntax

A path always starts with an @, followed by the object, that is, the module, layer, bus, etc.

To specify an object, you can either address it by object and counter or by counter and name.

  • @bus:n defines the n-th bus

  • @layer:n defines the n-th layer

  • @zone:n defines the n-th zone

  • @matrix defines the modulation matrix within a zone

  • @row:n defines the n-th row within the modulation matrix


@n:Name defines the n-th object with this specific name

If the object that you want to address is located deeper in the program hierarchy, add a slash and continue with the next object.


  • @layer:1/@0:Bus2/@0:Chorus1/ defines the first object that is called “Chorus1” in the first object “Bus2” in the second layer.

  • @0:LayerA/@0:ZoneB/ defines the first object that is called “ZoneB” in the first object that is called “LayerA”.

Addressing Multiple Objects at the Same Time With A Single Control

You can specify both the path and the type of an object on which a control should work. For example, this allows you to control the Pitch parameter of all zones in a layer with a single knob. In this case, the last part of the path must be @type:Zone.


The following object types can be set:

  • Zone for zones

  • Bus for busses

  • Layer for layers

  • <name of the effect > for all effects with this name

  • <name of the MIDI module> for all MIDI modules of this type, that is, all FlexPhrasers, MIDI Player modules, etc.


  • @layer:1/@0:Bus2/@type:Chorus/ defines all chorus effects in the first object that is called “Bus2” in the second layer

  • @0:LayerA/@type:Zone/ defines all zones in the first object that is called LayerA

  • @type:Layer/ defines all layers in the program


For programs, no additional path information is required. Every path starts relatively to the program.