Loading MIDI Patterns or Styles in Your Host Application

You can drag MIDI patterns and styles from the Load panel onto a MIDI track in your host application.


You have added a MIDI track in your host application project.


  1. On the Load panel, open the MIDI page or the Styles page.
  2. Select the file that you want to import into your host application.
  3. If you want to drag a style into the project, use the prelisten controls below the results list to select the part of the file and the complexity/variation.

    All performance settings, such as Auto Complexity, Auto Fill, Quantize,etc. are taken into account, that is, they will be part of the resulting MIDI pattern.

  4. Drag the file onto a MIDI track in you DAW.


A MIDI part containing the pattern is added to your project.

The MIDI patterns that you drag out of Groove Agent SE are MIDI files, that is, you can drop them in any host application that supports drag and drop of MIDI files.