Note Spacing page in Layout Options

On the Note Spacing page in Layout Options, you can change the default values for note spacing project-wide in each layout independently. You can also change how full the final system in flows must be before it is automatically justified.

  • You can access the Note Spacing page by opening Layout Options and selecting Note Spacing from the Category menu.

Figure: Options on the Note Spacing page in Layout Options

The Note Spacing page in Layout Options contains the following options:

Default space for crotchet/quarter note

Sets the default note spacing for quarter notes (crotchets). The spacing of other durations is scaled proportionally.

The note spacing value for each duration is shown in the preview, which is updated as you change values. Increasing the value increases note spacing, decreasing the value decreases note spacing.

Minimum space for short notes

Sets the minimum note spacing for notes with short durations. This can be independent of the default note spacing value.

Custom spacing ratio

Sets the spacing of notes in relation to other notes according to their rhythmic values. For example, setting Custom spacing ratio to 2 means half notes (minims) take up twice as much space as quarter notes, and eighth notes (quavers) take up half as much space as quarter notes.

Scale space for grace notes by

Sets the note spacing for grace notes as a percentage of the note spacing normally used for notes of their duration. The value cannot be greater than 100%. Increasing the value increases the note spacing for grace notes, decreasing the value decreases the note spacing for grace notes.

Scale space for cue notes by

Sets the note spacing for cues as a percentage of the note spacing normally used for notes of their duration. The value cannot be greater than 100%. Increasing the value increases the note spacing for cues, decreasing the value decreases the note spacing for cues.

Only justify final system in flow when more than [X] % full

Allows you to change how full the final system in each flow must be before it is justified to the full width of the frame. By default, final systems that are 50 % full or less are not justified.

Use optical spacing for beams between staves

When activated, stems in cross-staff beams are evenly spaced, which can mean the noteheads are unevenly spaced. When deactivated, noteheads in cross-staff beams are evenly spaced, which can mean stems appear unevenly spaced.