Editing Events on Global Tracks

You can select, add, and edit events in the global tracks event display of the Key Editor. All changes that you perform are synchronized with the Project window event display.


  1. Optional: Make sure that the global tracks event display has the keyboard focus and zoom in on/out of the global tracks using Shift-H or Shift-G.
  2. Optional: Change the height of a global track by clicking its lower border in the track list and dragging up or down.

    The tracks that are shown in the global tracks event display have a default track height of 1 row, except for the tempo track and the chord track that have a height of 2 rows, and the video track that has a height of 3 rows. You can adapt these heights according to your needs. The height of the ruler track cannot be changed.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • Apply the usual editing methods on one or several events in the global tracks event display.

    • Use the tool buttons in the Key Editor toolbar.

    • Select an event in the global tracks event display and use the info line to edit specific event parameters.


All changes that you perform including the track selection are synchronized with the Project window event display.