Selecting the MIDI input and the audio outputs

In the upper left corner of the plug-in panel in standalone mode, you will find two pop-up menus for selecting the MIDI input and the main audio output of the plug-in.

The MIDI input pop-up menu lists all MIDI devices that are installed on your system.

  • Open the MIDI input pop-up menu to select the MIDI device you want to use.

The orange MIDI Activity LED in the upper left corner of the plug-in indicates incoming MIDI messages via the currently selected MIDI input. The LED lights up on note-on and controller messages. This way, you can check if the plug-in and your MIDI keyboard are connected to the same MIDI device input.

The Audio output pop-up menu lists all outputs of the selected ASIO Device.

  • Open the Audio output pop-up menu to select an audio output for the main stereo channel of the plug-in.

    • If you select an audio output, the front and rear channels are set to incrementing audio output ports – e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, 6, 7, 8.

    • Pressing [Alt]/[Option]-[Shift] and selecting an audio output assigns the audio outputs in pairs to the front and rear channels – e.g. 1, 2, 1, 2 or 5, 6, 5, 6.

    • Use the Preferences dialog to select the ASIO device and other audio outputs.