Loading changes

When other users have made changes to a track and committed them over the network, the “Load available update” button in the network controls for the corresponding track lights up to indicate that you can load the changes and update the project.

The “Load available update” button is located in the Network section of the Inspector. However, when working with shared projects, you will probably want to customize Nuendo so that it is also available in the track list (see above), since this makes it somewhat easier to get a visual overview of when committed changes are available.

You can use 2 different methods to load available changes to tracks over the network:

  • Click the “Load available update” button in the Inspector or the track list.

    This will load the available update for the track.

  • Click the “Automatically apply updates” button in the Inspector or the track list for one or more tracks.

    This way, all changes committed to the tracks by other users will be automatically loaded without requiring your intervention.

There is also a special method for loading changes made to the tempo and signature tracks, as well as loading new tracks:

  • Click the “Sync project to network state” button on the Project window toolbar.

    This button lights up to indicate that there are changes available. Click it to have any new tracks and any changes made to the tempo and signature tracks loaded.


By default, the Network controls are not visible on the toolbar. If you want them to be visible, you need to customize the toolbar.


You can also undo an update! If you have loaded an available update, you can select “Undo Net Update” from the Edit menu. Similarly, you can “undo the undo” by selecting “Redo Net Update”.