Adding a Second Agent to Complement the First Agent

You can set up the kits for two different agents to play styles that complement each other.

Some of the Percussion Agent styles were created to be used with Acoustic Agent styles. These styles are found in the Complements folder of the Select Style pop-up menu for the style player in Percussion Agent.


  1. For the first kit slot in the kit rack, open the Load panel and select the Kits page.
  2. Deactivate Load Kit with Patterns or Styles and load an Acoustic Agent kit.
  3. For the second kit slot, load a Percussion Agent kit, also without patterns.
  4. Select a pattern pad from the first kit, open the Agent page, activate the pad and select the style player.
  5. Select the style Acid Jazz 01 for the pattern pad.
  6. Select the main pattern and adjust the complexity to your liking.
  7. Select the second kit, open the Select Style pop-up menu, navigate to the Complements folder, and select a style from the Acid Jazz 01 folder.

    The instrument sounds for this kit are received on MIDI channel 2.


Now, the pattern pads for Acoustic Agent and Percussion Agent trigger matching styles.

  • To listen only to the patterns of one kit, deactivate the patterns of the other kit on the Overview page or mute the sounds of the second kit in the corresponding Agent mixer.