Changing the background color

You can change the background color of the music area. The background can be a gradient of up to four colors or a single block color. You can also change the background color for Write mode and Engrave mode independently of each other, for example, to help you identify which mode you are in.


  1. Press Ctrl/Cmd-, to open Preferences.
  2. Click General in the category list.
  3. In the Background Colors subsection of the View section, choose one of the following options for Use for Write mode and/or Engrave mode:
    • Gradient

    • Single Color

  4. Change the background color for Write mode and/or Engrave mode in one of the following ways:
    • If you chose Gradient and want to use a preset selection of colors, select it from the Preset menu.

    • If you chose Gradient and want to use a custom selection of colors, either click each color preview and select a color in the Select Color (Windows)/Colors (macOS) dialog or enter color codes into the value fields.

    • If you chose Single Color, either click the Stop 1 color preview and select a color in the Select Color (Windows)/Colors (macOS) dialog or enter a color code into the value field.


The background color is changed in the current project and all future projects you open.

  • The background color set for Write mode is also used in Setup mode.

  • You can reset background colors back to the default factory settings by clicking Reset.