Rehearsal mark enclosure size and padding values

You can change the default shape and size of rehearsal mark enclosures on the Rehearsal Marks page in Engraving Options. You can change the minimum dimensions, line thickness, and padding values of rehearsal mark enclosures.

All enclosures

Enclosure line thickness

Sets the thickness of enclosure lines for both rectangle and circle enclosures. The default is 1/8 of a space. The examples have a thickness of 1/2 a space.

Rectangle rehearsal mark enclosure

The figure shows a rectangle rehearsal mark enclosure with default settings. The minimum height and minimum width are both 4 spaces, horizontal padding is 3/4 of a space, and minimum bottom and minimum top padding are both 1/8 of a space.

Minimum width

Sets a minimum value for the width of enclosures. In this example, the value was increased from 4 spaces to 8 spaces.

Minimum height

Sets a minimum value for the height of enclosures. In this example, the value was increased from 4 spaces to 8 spaces.

Left and right padding between text and enclosure

Sets the value for the distance between the two sides of the enclosure and the rehearsal mark within it. In this example, the value was increased from 3/4 of a space to 3 spaces.

Top padding between text and enclosure

Sets the value for the distance between the top line of the enclosure and the rehearsal mark within it. In this example, the value was increased from 1/2 a space to 2 spaces.

Bottom padding between text and enclosure

Sets the value for the distance between the bottom line of the enclosure and the rehearsal mark within it. In this example, the value was increased from 1/8 of a space to 2 spaces.

Circle rehearsal mark enclosure

The figure shows a circle rehearsal mark enclosure with default settings. The minimum diameter is 4 spaces, and the minimum padding is 1/4 of a space.

Minimum diameter

Sets a minimum value for the diameter of the enclosure. In this example, the value was increased from 4 spaces to 8 spaces.

Minimum padding between text and enclosure

Sets the value for the distance between the enclosure line and the rehearsal mark within it. In this example, the value was increased from 1/4 of a space to 2 spaces.