Moving arpeggio signs rhythmically

You can move arpeggio signs to new rhythmic positions after they have been input.

  • You cannot move arpeggio signs over rests, you can only move them to adjacent notes/chords in the same voice. If you want to move arpeggio signs along a phrase containing rests, we recommend deleting them and inputting new arpeggio signs at the new positions instead.

  • You cannot move arpeggio signs rhythmically with the mouse.


  1. In Write mode, select the arpeggio signs you want to move.
  2. Move the arpeggio signs in any of the following ways:
    • Press Alt/Opt-Right Arrow to move them to the right.

    • Press Alt/Opt-Left Arrow to move them to the left.


Arpeggio signs are moved to the right/left, according to the current rhythmic grid resolution.

If no notes exist at the next rhythmic position according to the rhythmic grid, the arpeggio sign is not shown. If you continue moving it to the right/left, it is shown again beside the next note at a rhythmic position that can be reached according to the current rhythmic grid resolution.

You can change the rhythmic grid resolution if you want to move arpeggio signs to notes at other rhythmic positions.

  • If you move arpeggio signs to the rhythmic position of a rest, they are deleted.

  • Only one arpeggio sign can exist at each rhythmic position. If an arpeggio sign in your selection passes over another arpeggio sign as part of its move, the existing arpeggio sign is deleted.