
WahWah is a variable slope band-pass filter that can be auto-controlled via MIDI modeling the well-known analog pedal effect.

You can independently specify the frequency, width, and gain for the Low and High Pedal positions. The crossover point between the Lo and Hi Pedal positions lies at 50.

WahWah Parameters


Controls the filter frequency sweep.

Pedal Control (MIDI)

Allows you to choose the MIDI controller that controls the plug-in. Set this to Automation if you do not want to use MIDI realtime control.

Freq Low/Freq High

Set the frequency of the filter for the Lo and Hi pedal positions.

Width Low/Width High

Set the width (resonance) of the filter for the Lo and Hi pedal positions.

Gain Low/Gain High

Set the gain of the filter for the Lo and Hi pedal positions.

Filter Slope selector

Allows you to choose between two filter slope values: 6 dB or 12 dB.