Moving octave lines rhythmically

You can move octave lines to new rhythmic positions after they have been input.


  1. In Write mode, select the octave lines you want to move.

    When using the mouse, you can only move one octave line rhythmically at a time.

  2. Move the octave lines to the next or previous notehead on the staff, while maintaining their total durations, in any of the following ways:
    • To move a single octave line to the next notehead on the staff, press Alt/Opt-Right Arrow.

    • To move a single octave line to the previous notehead on the staff, press Alt/Opt-Left Arrow.

    • To move them to the right according to the current rhythmic grid resolution, press Ctrl/Cmd-Alt/Opt-Right Arrow.

    • To move them to the left according to the current rhythmic grid resolution, press Ctrl/Cmd-Alt/Opt-Left Arrow.


      When multiple octave lines are selected, you can only move them according to the current rhythmic grid resolution.

    • Click and drag the octave line to the right/left.


The octave lines are moved to new rhythmic positions. The octave lines now apply to the notes at their new positions.

  • If a single octave line passes over another octave line as part of its move, the existing line is unaffected as multiple octave lines can exist at the same rhythmic position. However, if you move multiple octave lines together, existing octave lines are shortened or deleted according to where you move the selected ones.

  • If you move octave lines to a rhythmic position that does not have a notehead, they do not appear in the music area. You must continue moving them to the right/left until you reach the next notehead for them to appear.

  • Octave lines can only be moved along staves. If you want to move an octave line across staves, you must delete the octave line and input a new octave line on the other staff.